Wood Floors

How the Wood is Cut

Learn about plain sawn, quarter sawn and rotary sawn veneers. Each sawing method affects the appearance, stability, and performance of your wood floor.

Plain Sawn

(flat sawn, flat grain)

  • Species with pronounced growth rings will present with arched or parabolic grain.
  • Less dimensionally stable than quarter sawn, so it will exhibit lateral movement and expansion.
  • More prone to cupping and expansion due to moisture.

Quarter Sawn

(vertical grain, straight grain, comb grain)

  • Will present with straight or linear grains.
  • More stable than plain sawn, will exhibit vertical movement or expansion.
  • Less prone to cupping than plain sawn.

Rotary Sawn Veneers

  • Will often present with grain similar to plain sawn wood.
  • Used in engineered wood flooring.