Carpet Design

Architects and interior designers are increasingly integrating carpet design in innovative and strategic ways. Key trends: (1)Eco-friendly materials, (2)Modular carpet tiles, (3)Nature-inspired Design,(4)The use of varied textures and patterns to control noise and define areas, (4)Integration with technology such as floors embedded with sensors or tiles that light up in response to movement, (5)Branded or thematic design, and (6)anti-microbial carpets for health-related environments.

Select the design and color.

Carpet design and color is important in disguising stains and wear patterns. Dark colors do well for masking soil, but will contrast with light stains and dust. Medium toned colors tend to perform best as they offer less contrast for soil and stains. Multi-colored carpets do a much better job of hiding stains & soiling than solid colors, regardless of tone. Texture can also help to hide soiling.

Intended end use area can also play a large part in your design and color selection. For example, in senior living facilities small or intricate patterns and severe contrasts are not recommended and colors should be viewed through yellow lenses to see how the residents may see them.